Last Minute Things to Do for Spring Break
Spring Break is in full swing and you shouldn't let your lack of money (or friends) get in your way of having a good time. Here are some fun activities to help entertain yourself for the remainder of the break after you finish binge watching every show on Netflix:
Bring the Beach to You – You may not be able to make it to Cancun with the rest of the idyllic Spring Breakers, but you can make your South Oakland apartment a party oasis. All you need to do is bust out your swimsuit, blast the heat, and drink yourself into oblivion. The broken bottles and empty beer cans that are already scattered all over your floor will increase the ambiance. If you want to take it to the next level, drop some acid and sit in the Oakland Digital Plaza until you are convinced that the changing lights are a tropical sunset, or until the Digital Plaza seems like a good idea.
Dare to Travel – Though you may not have the money to travel to the sandy Spring Break hot spots, going somewhere new and exciting is not impossible. Airlines have incredible specials for any college student flying to Nebraska, North Dakota, and Wyoming. With round trips starting at $3, it would almost be a waste not to go to Omaha and drink at their only bar.
Get In Touch with The Great Outdoors – Face it, you’ve been inside since Saturday night glued to various glowing screens. Ditch your phones, grab your blankets, and hike out to the wilderness of Schenley Plaza. Spend a night looking up at the sky and try to count all the stars you can see through the smog and light pollution. If you are ever going to camp out on the plaza, now is the time to do it! With the majority of Pitt students off campus for the break, the chance that you will be urinated on by a drunk minor has greatly decreased.
Take the Plunge – There is no greater thrill than that of finding a great deal and nothing says bargain hunting quite like dumpster diving. The trash heaps of Pittsburgh are a veritable and untouched goldmine of scraps, junk, and rubble. Roll up your sleeves and dig deep. All the best and stinkiest treasures are at the bottom.
Get Loose – If you want your break to be all about relaxation, look no further. This tip will leave you limp. Fill your tub with hot marinara sauce and let yourself simmer. After twenty minutes you will be as tender and as flavorful as a noodle.
No matter your flavor, you still have the chance to save your Spring Break and be able to answer the question, "What did you do this week?" with something halfway interesting. Enjoy the rest of your break, and party on!