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Top 10 Television Series Finales

In the spirit of the Pitt Tonight Finale, which will be this Saturday, April 15th at 8 pm, I would like to bring to you my Top 10 Television Series Finale’s list.

1. The Office

The Office is a personal favorite of mine and honestly, I think I speak for everyone when I say I consider the real finale of the office to be the episode Michael Scott left.I remember sitting on my couch crying because It was like I was losing a friend.The next two seasons were just okay.But the Finale had Michael Scott on again, so it was worth it!

2. The Sopranos

This was one of the first finale’s I remember having to pretend to have seen.The Sopranos topped off 6 seasons of hits, deals and track suits with a mid-sentence cut to black.There’s a lot of debate about this finale, but I think it was the best way out.Do you know how convoluted those plots are? It’s like an HDMI cord. Like homework. Imagine Game Of Thrones if all the characters flashed some tasteful chest hair.If HBO didn’t cut The Sopranos off, they would have probably just kept going on and on.Perfect ending.

3. M*A*S*H

MASH is one for the baby boomers.This classic comedy, taking place at an American Medical Station in the Korean war, ended on a bit of a downer.Hawkeye, the wisecracking lead and esteemed surgeon, goes nuts.I mean coocoo.I don’t want to sound insensitive, but UHH yikes. This episode is what showed me, and so many others, that war can have a lasting impact on people.

4. Tom Selleck

I’m forgetting the name of the show, but it stars Tom Selleck as a detective.He also had a butler!

5. Newhart

Bob Newhart’s sitcom, Newhart, sets the stage as one of the most unique television finales ever.The star goes to sleep and wakes up in bed next to his wife from the Television show he had done the previous decade.The entire series Newhart was just a dream!The plot device quickly became hack.

6. Game Of Thrones

I loved this show, the characters and world is so unique and HBO is a wonderful place to bring it to life.But did anybody else think they ended with a lot of plot lines open?

7. Dragon Tales

Woah.I remember waking up every morning and catching the bus, and my cue to leave was always the end of Dragon Tales.The finale was a moment I’m sure most remember.The kids grow up and lose their imagination.They become adults. Dragonland disappears, forever.It’s hailed as the most nihilist moment of PBS cannon.

8. The Office UK

It was exactly like the finale of the American Office only everyone bottle their feelings deep.

9. Cheers

What a touching ending to the tale of a Bostonian pub.Although, this isn’t really the end, is it?After almost getting back together with his ex-wife and moving to Los Angeles, Sam realizes that he can’t abandon the bar.In the end, it’s a beautiful gesture at man’s dependence on alcohol.

10. Lost

The finale of lost exploded the internet and destroyed the reputation of J.J. Abrams.This was a terrible ending, complete with realization of the fact that the island is purgatory.Really, J.J.?Where’d you get such a far out idea?I wasted years of my life trying to understand the thing and you end it like this? He’s lucky I’ve only seen 10 shows.

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