Member Spotlight — Shawn Cassidy

Name: Shawn Cassidy
Year/Major: Senior/Finance, minors in Film Studies and Economics
Where are you from?: Bethlehem, PA, otherwise known as “just outside Philly.”
What do you do for Pitt Tonight?
I’m the Talent Coordinator and an Associate Producer for Pitt Tonight. Prior to the show I assist in booking all of our guests, I set up pre interviews with each of them, organize their schedules, and perform various other administrative tasks. During the show I assist in managing the show’s backstage production and operate the dressing rooms.
Who is your favorite late night personality? Why?
John Oliver. He’s able to make me care about social issues and laugh at the same time. He takes on a tougher subject matter than nearly every other late night personality, and does so effortlessly.
What is the funniest thing you have seen on Pitt's campus?
I’m going to cheat and say two things which were both on Atwood Street. First, I once watched some drunk kid kneel down next to Mi Ranch after it had closed, place his hand on the front door, and whisper “come back to us.” Second (and everyone should look out for this), there’s a house on Atwood that has a picture of Adele in their second floor window. Across the street, in another house’s second floor window, there’s a sign that says “Hello from the other side.”
What are your hopes for Pitt Tonight?
I hope Pitt Tonight gets more recognition across the city, across the country, that it continues to get funnier, and that it becomes a focal point on this campus. I believe what we’re doing is so unique to anything else being done on a college campus and that’s all because of the students working on it.
Market or Perch?
Market because that’s where my friends and free swipes are.
Antoon's or Sorrento's?
If you had asked me around a year ago I’d say Antoon’s…but now that they have both ABANDONED the famous $5 pie, I’ll throw in a wildcard option and say “chicken on a stick.” To those of you who have not experienced this delicacy, head down to Semple Street on a late Friday or Saturday night.