The 6 People You Meet In Every College Class
College is full of diverse experiences and various types of people. But somehow, time and again, the same types of people make it into every classroom. Here are the six people that we’ve been able to classify, and you’re probably one of them. Or all of them. I don’t know, it’s 2016, do what you want.
1. The Late One Listen, we’ve all been late at least once in our life, but come on buddy, pull it together. We all hate you but we are also worried about you. Do you have a medical condition? Is it embarrassing? Are you just a bad planner? Should the rest of us pitch in for a calendar for you, you social gambler? Your tardiness raises more questions than it answers, and I already have enough questions about South American Anthropology, thank you very much.
2. The One Who Eats In Class Okay, we have all been this person and don’t even lie to me. Eating and learning are two of the best things to do on this Earth, so of course you’re going to put them together. When you see that plaque on the chalkboard that reads, “NO SMOKING, FOOD OR BEVERAGE IN CLASSROOM” you know you whisper to yourself, “Is that a challenge?” And proceed to silently rip open a S’mores Pop-Tart packet.
3. CRAIG Ugh, don’t even get me started on Craig. I can’t — y’know what, let’s just keep moving.
4. The One Who Takes Up Multiple Seats You know this person. You loathe this person. “Hey, my butt and my backpack need a seat. And what’s a good seat without a foot rest, amirite? Manifest Destiny up in this 101.” I get it, not all the seats are taken so why not sprawl? I know Psychology is associated with couches and being comfortable, but take it easy guy.
5. The One Who Works On Other Classwork In Class You’re trying to pay attention to a some graph that your TA is explaining about economic patterns in Rural Southeast Asia but somebody is working on their philosophy thesis with their laptop brightness turned up to “screw your corneas.” Sometimes they’re not even doing work. They could be on Facebook or Tumblr or watching Terrance Hayes give poetry advice to some poor soul.
6. Alright, Time To Come Clean Okay, I do all of these things. I wrote this post in my Korean Film lecture. I slept in and missed breakfast so I grabbed a Pop-Tart. Whatever. But you do these things too. What I’m trying to say is that we are all bad people. Except for Craig; he is the worst.