Member Spotlight — Stephen Kraus

Name: Stephen Kraus
Year/Major: Senior/Business Information Systems & Marketing
Where are you from?: The snowy AF city of Syracuse, NY
What do you do for Pitt Tonight?
I primarily shoot and edit video and photos for marketing to use in their promotions, but I generally love helping out whoever needs it. I’m a giant camera nerd, so if you feel like being bored to death about the nitty-gritty technical details of shit like "why APS-C sensors are better than Micro 4/3 sensors," I’m generally a good person to talk to! I also can do a mean “crab walk” with a camera.
Who is your favorite late night personality? Why?
Hmmmmmmmmmm I gotta be honest, I’m not too crazy about any of the network hosts, but I think John Oliver is more or less one of the funniest people out there right now, and does an awesome job of blurring the lines between comedy and journalism.
What is the funniest thing you have seen on Pitt's campus?
The Room.
What are your hopes for Pitt Tonight?
I hope Pitt Tonight becomes an institution! I hope that, even after the initial push and passion exhibited from everybody dies out (because, you know, graduation and stuff..), we’ll still have talented and hardworking underclassmen to take up the mantle. I’m already seeing that happening, so I’m not too worried.
Market or Perch?
I've actually never had a meal, I guess I'll say Market. That's where the cool kids seem to be.
Antoon's or Sorrento's?