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5 Reasons You Should Be Screaming Right Now

We are in the throws of the most stressful time of the year and a tidal wave of responsibilities has hit all the students of Pitt simultaneously. The shock may not have registered with you quite yet, but once you come to, here is a list to remind you why you should be currently screaming into the void:

1.Final Papers and Projects

You have a 10-page paper due tomorrow and you haven’t started it yet. It seemed a lot less real when you last thought about it during syllabus week. Don’t worry, 24 hours is enough time to bust out a decent paper. Oh, don’t forget you have a six-page paper due tonight and that group project you still need to work on. Have you spoken to your group mates yet? Do you know who they are? Are they even alive?

2. Final Exams

You thought taking 12 credits in your last semester was going to allow you to coast to the finish line. You were wrong. Each class has a final and they all take place on the same day. Have you slept this week? No? Good. You need to cram as much information in your tired little brain as possible and there is no way you can do that with your eyes closed.

3. Summer

Summer: a time for sun, sand, and relaxation…if you are five years old. Whether or not you are staying in Oakland, traveling to a new city for work, or heading home, responsibility never sleeps. Did you get an internship? Yes? Good. You need an internship to be “competitive.” Do you have a job? Yes? Good. You need money to survive. Are you living with your parents again? Yes? I’m so sorry. You are living under their roof and that means you live by their rules.

4. Graduation

School is over! Now what? No really…Please tell me. Even I can’t help you here. We are all in the same boat, U.S.S. Uncertainty to be exact, and we are speeding toward the rocky shores of Adult Island. If only we knew how to navigate the boat to better places like Job Security Isthmus, Grad School Gulch, or even Mega Millions Jackpot Winner Mountain, then at least we wouldn’t be crushed by our own anxiety about the future.

5. Life

Everything is tough. I will admit it. There are so many changes that we must adapt to in this short period of time and it is unrealistic to think that we will feel entirely prepared for everything that will come our way. Like what if this is not real? Instead of living our lives we are nesting in embryonic sacks dangling in some human factory and hooked to computers like in the Matrix. What if dreams are the real reality and the time we think we are awake is our dreams? What if we are Sims?!? I don’t want to have the door deleted on me causing me to starve to death and die in a puddle of my own pee!


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