Member Spotlight — Emily Kearns

Name: Emily Kearns
Major: Communication & Business
Where are you from?: Center Valley, PA
What was your job for Pitt Tonight?
I was on the Marketing team, which entailed a lot of different things. My main responsibilities were coordinating the member spotlight posts (like this one!) for the blog and helping create the quizzes each week. Other than that, I helped with whatever other marketing-related tasks needed to be done and I took the photo booth pictures at each show!
Who is your favorite late night personality? Why?
Even though he didn't accept our Primanti's sandwich eating challenge, I'd have to say Jimmy Fallon. His personality, humor, and the way he delivers his jokes are all fantastic and he never fails to make me laugh.
What's the funniest thing you've seen on campus?
I've seen too many funny occurrences to count, but I think one of the funniest things that's happened to me on campus was on Halloween of my junior year. My roommate and I went to a party and decided to stop and get pizza on the way home (obvs). We were walking back to our apartment and some kid stopped us and offered us $6 for two slices of our pizza, which was more than what we paid for the entire pie (back in the good ol' days when a pie was just $5 #rip). Being the poor college students that we were, we decided that it was a good exchange to make.
What are your hopes for Pitt Tonight?
I hope that this organization becomes a staple to Pitt's campus and that it continues on for years to come. I hope that it continues to be a way for students from all different backgrounds, majors, and organizations to come together to create something wonderful, while making lifelong friends in the process.
Market or Perch?
Market all the way.
Antoon's or Sorrento's?
Sorrento's. Can't beat that ranch.