I Did a Week-Long Juice Cleanse
Living the life of a college student and a blogger can be taxing on your body. As you notice the presence of blood in every stool sample, you begin to realize that the lifestyle you are leading is not sustainable and something needs to be done. Such a drastic problem in turn calls for a drastic solution. So, after a long search, I decided to go on a juice cleanse to flush the toxins out of my body and replace them with the purifying nutrients and minerals that only juice can provide me. Below is my nutrition log for the week that followed.
Day 1
Breakfast - A glass of orange juice.
Lunch - Something called the “green monster.” I don’t know what was in it, and it tasted like grass.
Dinner - Two glasses of carrot juice. I did not know that juice could come from a vegetable.
Day 2
Breakfast - Orange juice. I feel weak. I thought these juice nutrients would sustain me better.
Lunch - I drank an entire two-liter bottle of cran-grape juice. It did nothing to fuel the emptiness in my stomach.
Dinner - I just drank a jar of Prego Traditional red pasta sauce. That’s close enough to a juice, right?
Day 3-7
Breakfast - Three glasses of Orange juice. I then threw up. I believe that was probably just the toxins leaving my body.
At this point I realized that the real trick to the cleanse was that my diet had to be all liquid. So, I started adding vodka to my cranberry juice.
Lunch - Four glasses of “cranberry” juice.
Then it gets a little hazy. The following list of food is what I could piece together based the collection of wrappers I found afterwards, and the videos from my Snapchat story.
Two Big Macs which I deconstructed and used to create a four-patty-tall “Bigger Mac.”
A total of 110 chicken McNuggets.
An extra-large pepperoni and sausage pizza.
Six Quesaritos from Taco Bell.
A five-pound bag of shredded cheese.
At least two more “Bigger Macs.” But I suspect it may have been even more than that.
About 5 gallons of cranberry juice… and a handle and a half of vodka.
One of those big tins filled with three different types of popcorn.
Two tubes of Pillsbury cinnamon rolls (uncooked).
A case of Yuengling.
A peanut butter and jelly sandwich which I used two DiGiorno pizzas as the bread.
While I am not sure how this diet helped my body in terms of toxin levels, I know that it really helped clear my head. I found the clarity to accept the body that I have, with all of its flaws, wrinkles, and scuffs. The faster that your downward spiral goes, the more momentum you will have bouncing back up from rock bottom.