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Work Out Schedule for Pre-Prep Season

Well, It’s February, and you know what that means- Beach season is only 5 months away. and that means Prep Season for Beach Season, is right around the corner. But before you get around the corner, you must navigate the intersection- a time I like to call Pre-Prep Season for Beach season!

Pre-Prep Season is all about getting ready. Do you expect to jump right into a summer workout without ANY training? No! So, you should start now. And let’s be clear, starting is more mental than physical.

Working out is all about maintaining a consistent schedule. Getting yourself into the pattern of working out is half the battle, how much weight you lift really matters. It’s all about momentum. Momentum, momentum, momentum. Say it five times fast. Now, say it five times faster.

This is a loose outline of my Pre-Prep schedule:

Day 1 – Arm’s

  • Curls 30

  • Tri-Curls 90

Day 2- Back and Ab’s

  • Lateral Pulldowns (vertically) 20

  • Plank 42-48 Minutes (Runtime of Live with Kelly)

Day 3- Leg Day

  • Leg Press

  • Squat

  • Abductors

Day 4- Chest Core

  • Bench Press 5 reps of the bar

  • Pectoral Fly circle the gym 5 times before landing

  • Push- Ups 20 sets of 10, 5 minute breaks in between

Day 5- Cardio

  • (No Warmup) 6 90 meter sprints

  • 4 400 meter jogs

  • 20 10 meter dash’s

Day 6 -Calve Day

  • Calf raises 20

  • Jumping Jacks 25

  • Ankle weights all day

Day 7- Rest Day

It’s important to rest. But don’t take it too easy. Watch American Ninja Warrior and stay vigilant.

This day by day system is what I live by. I don’t even use a normal calendar anymore; I judge time by body area. On Leg Day’s I have an astronomy lecture, and on Chest Core I have O-Chem. Instead of months, I figure out what season it is based on how my body morphs. If it starts to bulk up again, I know Christmas is right around the corner.

Here are the last few tips I have:

  • Cutoffs must be handmade (Edges must be left unhemmed).

  • Let as many people know that you are about to go to the gym as possible. If no one else is home, snap chat it. It helps to know that they know you’re healthier than them.

  • Scream at the mirror or old pictures of yourself.

  • While at (or on the way to) the gym don’t refer to this as ‘working out’, call it ‘getting big.’

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