How Many of These Ways Have You Tried to Surprise Your Landlord?
There's no better way to take a break from studying than playing a few pranks with your roommates. Spice up the relationship with your...
The Process of Figuring Out Where You Know That Guy From
Okay, so I’m just sitting in Market, barely enjoying a subpar omelet when I see this guy look at me from the other table. Why the f*ck is...
What Kind of Thanksgiving Food is Your Soul?
It's important that you know. #pitttonight #universityofpittsburgh #pittsburgh #pitt #thanksgiving #quiz
Thanksgiving Haikus
Holidays can be stressful, with plenty of family members asking you what you want to do with your life, or talking about America’s...
I Did a Week-Long Juice Cleanse
Living the life of a college student and a blogger can be taxing on your body. As you notice the presence of blood in every stool sample,...
We Know What Kind of Heinz Ketchup You Are Based on Your Zodiac Sign
Heinz ketchup is the tomato nectar created by the gods to provide salty nutrients into our bodies. If you don’t like Heinz, the greatest...
Member Spotlight - Kaely Elsasser
Year/Major: Senior, Film major Where are you from? Portland, Texas What do you do for For Pitt Tonight? I'm a PA, so I do random...